Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Sunday, April 16, 2017

Easter 2017

      We started our Easter Celebrations with school egg hunts. Rylee Love had her class egg hunt Wednesday. She unfortunately caught the stomach bug and had to leave school shortly after her egg hunt, but at least she got to have fun and hunt eggs with her friends before it hit.

     Payton Joy's class party was Thursday and she had a blast hunting eggs with her friends and then eating treats with her class.
     Saturday morning, we went to the Resurrection Celebration at Mary's Chapel. We have so much fun there every year. The kids ate, participated in crafts, then went outside to hunt eggs. Rylee still wasn't feeling 100%, but she still had a lot of fun.
     Saturday afternoon, we headed over to Liz and Brandon's for our annual cousin Easter Egg hunt. The kids had so much fun playing together and hunting eggs. Rylee seemed to be back to herself and having a blast.
    After a while, Aunt Liz started riding the kids around on Kaden's fourwheeler. After Levi got tired of it, she needed to get off, so Ryan took over. Then he got off and left Kaden and Rylee to ride alone. Liz had the kill switch in her hand, and we were all outside watching them, so we thought it would be fine. Then Kaden accidentally misjudged how fast he was going and tried to make a sharp turn and the fourwheeler flipped, throwing Rylee off and pinning Kaden underneath. Thank the lord, neither one of them was badly hurt, but it was definitely a very scary moment. Liz saw it happening and pressed the kill switch, but for some reason it didn't work. We are all just glad they are both okay.
     Today is Easter! We started the day by going to church of course! It was a beautiful service. We had a special music production that was very powerful. Then Bro. Ryan preached his Easter sermon. I can never grow tired of hearing the message of Christ's unfailing love for us. It is so amazing.
     After church, we headed to Nonna and Granddaddy's for Easter lunch with the family. It was so precious to have all the kids together and in matching t-shirts. We sure have some cute kids! ;)
     The kids had so much fun playing together and Jeff taught them how to squirt each other with water bottles. They were all soaked and having a blast! The kids played and played for hours.
    Towards the end of the day, Ryan got the fourwheeler out, and we convinced Rylee to ride. It's so easy for her to develop deep anxieties after a traumatic event, and we didn't want her to be scared to ride. Luckily, she didn't resist, and she had a blast riding. We had a wonderful Easter with those we love!

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