Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Saturday, April 1, 2017

Spring Break 2017

    We started our Spring Break out right by heading straight to Liz and Brandon's house for a cousin play date Friday after school. Unfortunately, our Spring Breaks didn't line up this year, so theirs was ending just as ours was beginning, but we made the most of it. The kids played outside for hours and even got into the freezing cold sprinkler. After that they went inside to warm up with some Pizza and played soem more.
     Rylee stayed behind for a cousin sleepover and Payton Joy came home for some special mommy-and-me time. Rylee says Kaden will always be her best friend and I hope that's true. I so love the bond that these two share!
      Saturday we headed to Memphis to celebrate Ben's birthday! He got a day pass from Teen Challenge and we went to the Children's Museum. I don't know who had more fun, the adults or the kids, but it was a blast!
     Unfortunately, since she didn't sleep much at her sleepover and it had been a very stimulating day, Rylee had a pretty big meltdown as we were leaving the museum and heading to dinner. This meant I spent the first 20 minutes of dinner in the car with her, trying to calm her down. She eventually agreed to go into the restaurant, but only if I hid her under her silky so no one would look at her. She hid in my lap for another 10 or minutes, but eventually warmed back up and ate her food and was pretty much back to her happy little self. Autism is a tricky thing because once she melts down, it is so difficult for her to bounce back, but she continues to impress me with how well she copes and adjusts time after time.
    Monday we spent the day driving around, scoping out potential houses for sale and then we went to lunch and later to piano lessons. Tuesday, we spent the day at home as a family. Rylee Love cooked herself some grilled cheese and tomato soup for lunch and the girls spent lots of time outside playing. Then when Ryan went to work, the girls helped me clean the house and we spent some time together watching cartoons.
     Wednesday, we had a girls' day and went to get hair cuts. The girls both did so well for their hair cuts and even behaved wonderfully while I had my hair cut and colored. I was very impressed with them.
    And I just love how my hair turned out. No more yellow hair! It's a beautiful shade of ash blonde! The girls thought I looked silly under the dryer, so they just had to take a pic. I sure do love time with my little princesses!
      Thursday was Ryan's birthday! We made him blueberry muffins for breakfast, then woke him up with presents in bed. He was happy to read the sweet cards both of the girls made him and he was very excited to get Zelda: Breath of the Wild and a new phone from me. We spent the day playing his new game together and making sure he was spoiled in every way. We sure do love him!
      Friday we went with our realtor to look inside some houses. This was our first official house hunting experience and it went pretty well. We are being pretty picky and are taking our time to find the perfect home for us, so we didn't find exactly what we're looking for yet. But it was good to see some houses and get some ideas of what we are looking for. The girls had a blast checking out the new houses and especially the yards. After we finished, we went for a family lunch at Pizza Hut. It was a really good day.
     Today we slept in late, and then spent the day together as a family. Ryan cooked dinner on the grill and we all ate way too much, but it was awesome. I love time with my little family. I am so thankful for this week to spend together. Now, only 8 more weeks of school until Summer Break! I can't wait, but I sure will miss my sweet class as they head on the kindergarten.

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