Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Sunday, April 9, 2017

Paw Paw's Birthday Celebration at Reelfoot Lake

     Yesterday was Paw Paw's birthday, so we celebrated today after church by heading down to Reelfoot Lake. We ate an absolutely delicious lunch at Boyette's and then walked over to the lake to check out the views. It was so beautiful. The girls were in awe.
     After we walked around by the lake for a while, we headed to check out the wildlife indoors. Rylee petted an owl and both girls loved looking at the different animals they had to see. It was a lot of fun.
    Family is such a precious gift. I'm so thankful for a day filled with fun and making memories with this amazing family. Happy birthday, Paw Paw! We love you so!

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