Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Sunday, April 2, 2017

Light It Up Blue!

          April is Autism Awareness month, and April 2 is the official Light It Up Blue for Autism day!
     I made special t-shirts for me and the girls and a few other people who wanted one, too. I am so excited with how they turned out. I may be new to this Autism mom thing, but I know how important awareness and understanding are with this disorder.
      At church, my entire Sunday School class came in wearing blue!
     These 3 are Rylee Love's biggest fans! I sure do love them so! Kaden is starting to try to understand Autism and what that means, but his overall analysis was "I don't think Rylee is different. I like her!" Goodness, that boy knows how to melt my heart.
     After church, we headed to Olympic in Alamo to celebrate Ryan's birthday with his family. We were all in our blue!
    I also posted on social media asking our friends and family to send me pictures of themselves in blue so I could add them to this blog. I was overwhelmed with all the love and support we received. Thank you everyone who participated! I have posted this pictures below. There were so many more who wore blue, but didn't want to send in a picture, and I completely understand that. I am still so thankful for all the support in bringing awareness to autism! Happy Light It Up Blue day!
     Rylee Love, you are one very loved child. No matter what challenges you may face, always remember there are so many people in this world who are rooting for you and who believe in you. Kid, you can move mountains!

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