Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Monday, March 21, 2011

9 Months Old... Already?

    Today is Rylee's 9 month "birthday"!! Ahhhh!! Where did the time go? She's such a big girl now; she doesn't look like a baby at all anymore. :( She wears size 6-9 M clothes, size 3 shoes, and size 2 diapers. She has 3 teeth.
     I could've sworn this was just yesterday!! She was so tiny then, 7 lbs 15.5 ounces and 20 inches long. We got the tape measure and measured her today: 30 inches long!!!! She's grown almost a full foot since she was born!!!
     She's such a good girl. She spends most of her time playing independently. I couldn't be more proud of her. She's learning new things everyday. Just yesterday she learned to wave. Her second cousin, Emilee waved at her, and she just waved back like she'd been doing it forever!
     Her absolute favorite time is bath time. I started putting a little bit more water in there so she as more to splash around in and it stays warm longer (I keep a close eye on her of course!), and she loves it!! She splishes and splashes for as long as I let her (usually about 20-30 mins). When daddy's home, things get a bit messy, though. :)
     One more shot from her 9 month photo shoot this morning. She's just so cute!! Even her un-photogenic faces are photogenic!! Lol!!

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