Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Being a Mommy Makes Time Fly!

     My sweet princess is growing up so fast!! I can't believe that in less than 2 weeks she'll be 9 months old!! She's almost been in the real world longer than she was in my tummy! :( It doesn't seem right. But I am soooo proud of her. She is so smart!! She learns so fast, and she spends a lot of time just sitting still observing the world around her. It's so precious, like she's trying to take it all in. She is absolutely rotten, but I love it. It lets me know she knows she's loved. Even though sometimes it does get a little old when she wants my attention constantly and I am busy, it's okay. I want to cherish every minute with her because she changes so quickly, I don't want to miss a thing!
     She has learned to shake her head "no" especially when it comes to eating something she doesn't like. She's such a picky eater!! She must take after her daddy! She also has learned to say "yea" and "mama" So now she knows 4 words. :)
       Right before her 8 month "birthday" Rylee learned how to crawl thanks to some coaxing from her Aunt Liz!! Now there is no stopping her!! She's all over the place, but she's still really clingy so she doesn't like to crawl anywhere unless someone she knows is nearby. So that makes it easier to keep an eye on her, and I'm thankful for that!
    And now she has a new skill that she's been working on for a little while, but she just mastered yesterday.. She pulls herself up on everything!! I hope this doesn't mean she'll be walking soon! I want her to be at least 1 or close to it before she walks!! I swear this kid changes every time I blink!! I want to go back to the day she was born and relive that day, because I seriously can't clearly remember her ever being a newborn! She's all over the place now.

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