Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

A Good Check-Up

     Rylee watched cartoons this morning and patiently waited for her mommy to get ready to take her to the Dr. for her 9 month check-up. She weighed in at 18 lbs and 9 oz today (50th percentile). She was 30 in long (99th percentile)!! Oh, and she now has 4 teeth, her 2 bottom center teeth, one top one in the center and one top one on the side. :)
      They pricked her finger to check for anemia and lead poisoning today. She didn't cry when they pricked it, but she hated when they started squeezing it to get the blood out! But she quickly calmed down when she got her colorful bandaid! :)
      When we got home she wished her daddy a happy birthday and then in was time to play! As soon as she saw her toys, she was good as new and her pain was long forgotten!!
      She's so grown up now. Last week she and Ryan were paying some bills and waiting for me to get down tanning, and Ryles decided she was gonna take the wheel! I swear I'm gonna wake up tomorrow and she's gonna be 16!! Ahhhhhh!

     One last wonderful thing to share! Last Sunday, Brandon got saved!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Liz and I have both recently rededicated our lives to the Lord and have been working on making some changes and some spiritual growth. And we oculdn't be more excited that he decided to commit himself to the Lord as well! :)

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