Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Family Time

     We had an amazing weekend! Rylee had so much fun that she got completely worn out and slept until 9:30 today! I was glad for some extra rest, too!
    We started out the weekend by going over to Ryan's parents' Friday night. Rylee loves her Nonna and Granddaddy! And they surely love her so! She also has such a good time playing with their dog, Hollister. She plays with him like he's an equal, a friend rather than a pet. :)
    EARLY Saturday morning, we traveled to Middle Tennesse to visit my parents in their new house!!
    Rylee had such a good time being spoiled by her Ma and Pa!!
     We thought that driving 200 miles with two babies in the car would be a nightmare, but we were so proud of Ryles and Kaden. They were such good babies all weekend long!!
    I had an amazing time relaxing and playing with all my favorite people. Kaden got a bit spoiled cuz I couldn't keep my hands off of him!!! :) We came home Sunday night, happy and worn out.
    Monday, Liz and I spent the day shopping!!! When we got home, Mary, Alex, and Bailey came to visit!!! Rylee had fun playing with Bailey in between trying not to get run over by her!
     Uncle Brandon wasn't able to come on the trip this weekend so he spent some much needed quality time with Ryles Monday night!! :)

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