Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

It's official; She's 1!

     Today my little angel turned 1!! I can't believe how fast the time has flown, but it also seems like she's been a part of my life for forever. Let's see... She wears size 3 diapers, she has 7 teeth with 1 more close to coming through, she wears size 12M clothes and size 4 shoes, and she eats infant/toddler cereal for breakfast, Gerber yogurt for lunch, and table food for dinner. We planned to go swimming for her birthday today, but the weather was yucky so we took her to Memphis, instead. 
     On the way to Memphis, we stopped at Chili's in Millington for lunch. Rylee sat in the booth between Ryan and I and played with a straw for most of the time. She ate her lunch and some fries from our lunches, too. :) Once we got to Memphis, we stopped at Target to get her a new toy box because she has way too many toys now to fit in just one toy box.
     Then we went to Wolfchase and she got to ride the carousel for the first time!! She had so much fun!!  She said "woo" and "wee" the entire time we were on it. She loved the motion of it, and once we got off she kept staring back at it wanting to get back on!!
          Aunt Liz and Kaden came with us and after we got off the carousel, Aunt Liz noticed a photo booth and mentioned it would be a good memento for Rylee's first birthday. She was right!! We love our goofy photo booth photos!! :) After the photo booth, we took Rylee to Dairy Queen and got her some ice cream (her favorite food)! I don't really let her eat sweets other than a small taste every once in a while, but she deserved some on her birthday!!! :)
     And then, when Aunt Mel got off work she came and met us at the mall and took Rylee on the carousel again!!! Rylee couldn't have been more happy!!
    All the excitement wore her out, and she passed out on the way home. I think daddy had a little too much excitement, too 'cause he was right there with her. :) I think Rylee had a wonderful day, and I know we did. I am now the proud mother of a one-year-old!!!!! :))

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