Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Monday, June 20, 2011

Rylee's 1st Bday Party and Father's Day

      Saturday was Rylee's first birthday party, she turns 1 tomorrow. I can't even begin to understand where the time has gone. It all happens so fast!! I got through her party only tearing up twice, so I think I handled it pretty well. :)
      The party went great!! I think everyone had a great time, and I know she did! She was so excited to see so many people she loves in the same place!! And she got some really good stuff, so she was excited about that, too!
     Rylee absolutely adores her cousin, Anna, but she hasn't gotten to see her a lot because we've been so busy. But they sure had a blast at the party!!! They played and played and played!! :) I love this picture because it looks like Rylee's making a silly face on purpose for it! :)
      When we sang "Happy Birthday" to Rylee she was kinda confused on why everyone was looking at her and singing and she did not take to the cake at first because I stuck her hands in it.
     But she quickly came around when she realized how good it was!! She ate almost all of her little cake. The only reason she didn't eat all of it was because I took it away because I didn't want her to make herself sick at her own party! Luckily, she didn't get sick and she didn't even really seem to get a sugar rush. She just took to it like it was any other food...
      After the party, Kaden and Rylee took a nap, and then Bailey, Anna, Kaden, and Rylee had an after party in the kiddie pool. The sweet cousins had so much fun splishing and splashing together!! :) I was so glad they were all getting to spend some time together!
     After the kids got out of the pool, we released Rylee's balloons so she could watch them float into the sky. I was kinda sad. Her first birthday party was a success, but it was over.
     At the end of the day, Ryan and I were putting all Rylee's new presents together in her room and she climbed into her old baby bouncer seat. It made me feel a little bit better about her growing up so fast that she still fit in it and enjoyed it. :)
     On Father's Day, Ryan got a sweet card from "Rylee," and we went to church. After a great sermon on Fathers, we came home and said goodbye to Mary, Alex, and Bailey. Then, we spent a quiet afternoon together as a family. :)

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