Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

What Dust Can Do

      Yesterday morning Rylee had a fairly normal morning. She got up, ate, played and napped as usual. While she was napping, I vacuumed the house, I had no idea what trouble that would cause! She got up from her nap and played for a little bit while I vacuumed out her room, and she still seemed fine. We headed over to Liz and Brandon's house, and I noticed that she had some "eye boogers." I cleaned them out with a rag and let her go play. Not even 10 minutes later, I looked over at her and her whole eye was watering and covered in "eye boogers." It was so gross
      I cleaned her eye again and then the swelling started. Her eye just got bigger and bigger until it looked like she had a black eye. I started to get pretty concerned about how quickly things were getting worse, so Liz googled it. She found on a baby forum that this is common when a child is allergic to something. A food or perfume allergy would've made both eyes swell, so we figured out that it must have been something that got stirred up when I vacuumed. The website recommended that we put a warm, moist rag on her eye and hold it there. I did that and then I rinsed the eye with warm water when she took her nightly bath.
      And today, her eye is a little swollen, but not bad!! She seems to be about 90% better! I'm so glad! :) I just know she'll wake up tomorrow good as new!

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