Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

12 Month Check-Up

     Today, Rylee had her 12 month check-up with Dr. Melton. She passed with flying colors. She's doing everything a child her age should be doing (crawling, pulling up and releasing, beginning standing unsupported, eating table foods and whole milk, saying at least 4 words [she knows about 7], communicating with hand gestures to be understood, obeying simple commands such as "No", etc). She weighs 19 lbs 9 oz and she is 31.5 inches long. She is in the 90th percentile for height and the 25th percentile for weight.
      Unfortunately, 12 month check-ups come with shots, 4 of them!! She got 2 in each leg; I'm just glad they didn't do it in her arms because I have a feeling that would've been a lot worse!! She cried, of course, when the shots were administered, but she quickly calmed down afterwards and has shown no signs of fussiness since. She always handles her shots like a champ! :)
      After the doctor visit, we went to Walmart to pick her out a potty so she could get used to seeing it, and it wouldn't be a big scary thing when it's time to begin training in a few months. She decided she wanted to ride in the cart standing up instead of being held by her daddy. She's such a goof!
     When we left Walmart, we went to Applebee's for lunch and Rylee behaved so well during lunch and did so well with her shots that we thought she deserved a treat! She got a couple of bites of their Triple Chocolate Meltdown, yum!!

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