Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Anna's Bday Party and Date Night

     Yesterday my niece, Anna turned 10. We went to a party for her at her house and celebrated the anniversary of her birth. She and all her friends had lots of fun splashing on a slip-n-slide and throwing water balloons. We had fun watching them. Rylee had to say "what's that?" at least a hundred times. She was so interested in everything they were doing. After the kids got done playing outside we went in and allowed Rylee and Kaden to roam around. Rylee ate her first Cheetos. She loved them. Then she and Kaden were crawling around playing with a balloon and Kaden tried to stand up on the balloon and fell and busted his lip on the hard floor. Poor little guy, but after some love form his parents and a little orajel, he was acting good as new.
     After the party Ryan and I headed to Memphis to visit Melanie, since we were already in Atoka for the party. We haven't had a date night in a WHILE so we decided to go see the final Harry Potter. It was realy good. Rylee had tons of fun playing at her Aunt Mel's house. She passed out asleep on the way home from having way too much fun! :)

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