Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

One Last Shopping Trip

     Today, Liz and I went to Dyersburg for one last shopping trip. She starts work back on Monday, so we had to do something for the end of her summer break. We began her summer break with a shopping trip to Dyersburg, so we though it was fitting to end that way, too! We went to the mall and got some clothes for the kiddos and picture frames for the beautiful pictures that were taken last weekend. And we went to Walmart and got some new sippys for Rylee and a new toy for being such a good girl and finally taking a sippy cup!
     After, we went out to dinner at El Patio. Since Rylee is a big girl now and she takes a big girl cup, I ordered her a big girl meal. She got grilled cheese and curly fries. She ate over half of the food on that big plate! She took the other half home to eat tomorrow night. I can't believe how grown up she is now! But I am loving how much personality she has and how smart she is. Her vocabulary absolutely amazes me. She's already says her first sentence: "What's that?" and then when you tell her what it is, she says, "Ooooooh." :)

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