Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Fourth of July Weekend

      On Saturday, Ryan and I were pretty lazy. We sat around the apartment mostly. But we did go over to his parents' house and help his dad set up his father's day gift-a new grill. Rylee was glad to spend some time with her Nonna and Pop-pop because she hadn't gotten to see them very much lately because the week before last the were on vacation all week, and they spent last week getting back into routine.
      On Sunday morning, we went to church. It was our pastor, Bro. Dennis's, last sermon. God is calling him to preach elsewhere, but he will surely be missed. On Sunday night our church had a Fourth of July celebration with grilled hamburgers and hot dogs and a fireworks show. It was great. It was Rylee's first time seeing fireworks and she absolutely loved them! :)
      On Monday, the fourth, we went over and spent the day at Nonna and Pop-pop's. We started off the day by swimming with Aunt Liz, Uncle Brandon, Kaden, and Aunt Mel. Then Aunt Mel and I went and picked up lunch for everyone, Subway-yum! Then we spent the day playing around and talking. We went on a four-wheeler ride. Then we fired up the grill and grilled some Ribeyes-double yum!!
     And then we started to shoot off some more fireworks!! :) Rylee only made it about halfway through the show. She was tired from such a long, fun day, so she had to go inside and lie down while we finished watching the fireworks. It was a truly wonderful weekend spent with amazing family, and I wouldn't have it any other way!

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