Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Friday, December 2, 2011

Happy Birthday to Me!

     This birthday has definitely been my best in 22 years. :) The celebration has been going on almost all week! Tuesday night I came home to 4 perfectly wrapped presents sitting on the couch and a note telling me I couldn't open them 'til Friday, but they were there for me. Wednesday night when Ryan came home, he came through the door with a bouquet of flowers! Thursday night I came home to homemade cake and the sweetest card. I truly have the best husband in the whole wide world. I adore that man!
     Ryan let me open my presents at midnight! He got me a new purse, a sweater, two shirts, and some bath and body works! Ryan's granny got me a sweet card and cash, Ryan's mom got me a sweater and an Olive Garden gift card, my mommy got me a penguin potholder, a sweet card, a Max Lucado mini book, and she ordered me the newest season of One Tree Hill. I haven't gotten my gift from Liz yet because poor, sweet Kaden has been awfully sick with a nasty ear infection. His first birthday is tomorrow, but that will have to be another post entirely!
    Today we went to lunch at Los Portales to celebrate my birthday as a family. Rylee was really good and was such a happy girl all day. She really makes me so happy! When we got home from lunch, we ran into Uncle Lynn so we talked to him for a minute and then we took Rylee in to have her nap. We wrapped Rylee's Christmas presents while she napped. That made me really happy because I'm so excited about the things I got for her!! When she got up, I let her have some of my birthday cake for her afternoon snack. Let's just say bath time came early today!
     After we gave Rylee a bath, we took her over to Nonna's and Gran-da-da's so that Ryan and I could go on a date. We went to dinner at Olive Garden and did a little bit of shopping. It was wonderful to spend some quality time with him after he's been so sweet all week long! I had an amazing birthday, and I am truly thankful for all the wonderful blessings in my life!

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