Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Getting into Routine

      This week we have definitely been trying to get into a new routine, but I think we've got it now! I have majorly enjoyed student teaching and even though this week was longer than the one before, I felt much less tired. I think I've gotten myself used to this new routing. Rylee was harder to get adjusted. She got used to staying over Granny's and Nonna's most of the night last semester when I had night class four nights a week. When I get there to pick her up at a little after 4, she is not ready to go. She pitched a fit almost every day when it was time to go, but once we get home, she's just fine. She'll get used to it soon.
      Otherwise, our routine is pretty set. I get up and go to school. Ryan and Rylee have their morning together. Rylee goes to nap while Ryan does school work and gets ready to go to work. Ryan drops Rylee off at Granny's. I come to pick her up about an hour later. I take her home and she watches cartoons while I make dinner. We eat. We play. I give her a bath, read to her, then put her to bed. I get a shower and go to bed. Repeat. It goes so smoothly. I'm really liking the rhythm of things. I hate that I don't see Ryan during the week, but everything is so busy, that the weekend comes faster than I thought it would. I have no complaints. :)
      Tomorrow is the big Dr. appointment. I'm a little nervous, but I do feel that everything is going to be just fine. The picture on the left was taken on New Year's Eve, the picture on the right was taken yesterday. Is it just me, or have her cheeks filled out more in the last few weeks? I think it's a good sign that she's gained some weight. Now, if only her levels have gone back to normal. That would mean we're completely in the clear! :) Just keep praying, and I'll update tomorrow when we know something for sure...

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