Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Sunday, January 8, 2012

It's a Whole New World

      This week was my first week of student teaching. It started on Tuesday with orientation, and then Wednesday was my first day in the classroom. I am in a Kindergarten class at Munford Elementary, and I love it! The kids are so funny, and my cooperating teacher is very helpful. I was worried that I would get a CT that wouldn't teach me very much or work with me at all, but Ms. Tiffany is not that way at all. She has already taught me a lot, and she has been very helpful. I will start taking over little by little on Wednesday. I am excited. Ms. Tiffany has already planned for me to have my own table during centers, so I have been teaching some, just not officially because I'm doing things by her plans instead of writing my own right now.
      I really need to get used to getting up early and being on my feet all day, though, because this week wore me out! I was exhausted by Friday, but I had a lot of fun. I also didn't have as hard a time being away from Rylee as I usually do. I guess that means I really enjoy what I'm doing! Plus, she has had A LOT of fun playing with her daddy every morning while I'm gone. I come and pick her up not too long after he heads to work, so she gets to spend most of her time at home. That really works for her. The only down side is that I don't get to see Ryan all week long. He's in bed when I leave, and I'm in bed when he gets home at night. That has been hard to adjust to because I miss him a lot, but I don't have a whole lot of time to miss him during the week, so that makes it a bit easier. Spending my evenings with Rylee makes me really happy. She's her goofiest at nighttime, and I hated missing that last semester. I painted her nails for the first time this week, and she just held her hands up in the air for the rest of the night, shouting "Pretty! Pretty!" :) Goodness, I love that child!
     At Rylee's last Dr. visit, she had not gained any weight in 3 months. The Dr. was very concerned about this, he did some tests, and told us to do our best to get her to gain some weight. After getting the tests results, he said most of her numbers were fine, but there were a few that were a little off. He said that she may have to see a specialist if things don't improve by her next visit. She has to go back on January 16th. I'm a little nervous, but she has been so good about eating well and even drinking better, that I'm really hoping that it will be enough. The first few days, she fought it and we had to force feed her a little, but now she's eating about 6 times a day and drinking 2 full sippys (20 oz) each day. That may not seem like a lot, but for her it is. She's always been a picky eater and drinker, but she's always gained weight before, so we're hoping this new effort will cause an improvement. Keep her in your prayers that all of her levels will regulate, and she will gain at least some weight before January 16th!

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