Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Busy but Blessed

      This week has been harder than the previous ones. I took over full teaching responsibilities on Monday, and I also began my seminar class on Monday night. Those two things made this week one that wore me out! It was also REALLY beginning to wear on me to spend so much time away from Ryan. I fall asleep on Sunday night and don't see him again until Friday night or Saturday morning. Even though I get to talk to him a little (but not very much at all) during the week, it still sucks not to be able to see him and spend time with him. I hope by the time I start teaching for real, he has a job on a different shift. Second shift is just NOT family friendly!
      I still enjoy teaching. I LOVE my students and I love being responsible for their learning; I just feel torn. I wish there was more time in the day, so I could teach full time and still be with my family a lot of the time, too. Maybe as time passes, I will get used to being so busy. I know teaching won't be as busy as student teaching, but it will still be pretty close. I just miss my baby girl and hubby so much during the week. I go to school in the morning, teach all day, leave and pick Rylee up, get home, start dinner, play with Rylee for a minute, feed her dinner, eat dinner, put Rylee in the bath, pick up the apartment, put Rylee to bed, talk to Ryan on the phone for about 15 minutes, then go to bed myself. Every single day it's the same. I want more time to actually interact with my child. I want more time to talk to and see my husband. But don't get me wrong, I am happy. I enjoy what I do, and while I'm at school with those students, I'm not sad and missing my family the whole time. Most days I don't even have time to think about them while I'm at school. It just wears on me over the week when I feel like I'm not getting enough time with them altogether.
      So now I look forward to my weekends a little bit more! And this weekend was a great one. Yesterday, Ryan, Rylee and I went to Covington. We went to Gamestop and used some gift cards Ryan had gotten for Christmas. You know how grown men are about video games! Haha! Then we went to Walmart and got some grocery shopping done. When we got home, Ryan worked on his schoolwork and I wrote my lesson plans. When we finished we played with Buggy, had dinner, but her to bed, then played Fortune Street. Today we went to church, then came home and had lunch. Rylee napped while Ryan and I watched a movie. Then we went to the park! We all had a blast. It may not sound like much, but spending the entire weekend with my little family makes me happier than you can imagine!
    It amazes me how my life has turned out so far. In just over 3 months, I will be graduating college as a licensed early childhood educator. Around the same time, I will be celebrating my 3rd anniversary with the love of my life. And a month later the best baby in the whole wide world will be turning two. I am so blessed and thankful for all that I have.

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