Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Just Going Along

     Week 3 of student teaching was a short week, but a LONG week. It felt like it would never end! I love being in the classroom and I enjoyed my time with my kiddos last week, but the 3 day weekend had me all messed up and I was tired all week long. This week I've taken completely over the classroom. It's easier than I thought it'd be. I love teaching.
     Saturday, Ryan and I went car shopping! We paid off my car with my scholarship check this semester, so it was his turn for a new(er) ride. He picked out this beauty! A 2009 Dodge Avenger SXT with the sports package. I was amazed that we found a 2009 with less than 25,000 miles on it!! It was at the top of our budget so we had to work some magic, but we managed to finance it at a reasonable rate, so we could make it ours! Ryan is ecstatic. He has a new baby! :)
   Rylee has been good. This new antibiotic has been giving her tummy troubles, so she's been dealing with that, but she's still as good and as hyper as ever. She's so playful and sweet. She makes life such a joy. She's saying something new everyday now. And she says the funniest things; I LOVE that kid. I got a little depressed last week about spending time away from her and Ryan. I just love them so much and would prefer to spend ALL my time with them. But I really love teaching and I know I'm on the right track.

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