Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Halfway There

      This week was really laid back. It was my last week at MES, so I did not teach very much. I did a lot of observing. We didn't get to have our weekly play date with Liz and Kade Wednesday because he was still sick, so they came and met us at the park on Thursday and the kids got to play together for a little while. It was a nice week to be outside and enjoy each day.
     My last day in Ms. Tiffany's class was hard. Ms. Tiffany cried, I cried, and my kiddos cried. But they gave me this wonderful good luck gift! I was blown away. No I have a lot of the stuff I'll need when I have my own classroom! :) I am so thankful for my time at MES. I learned so much and met so many wonderful people. Now I am halfway done with student teaching. It has really flown by! I'm excited to meet my next CT and class on Tuesday!
     Saturday, we went to a bridal shower for Emilee and Jeff. They are getting married on March 17. Rylee had fun at the shower. She ate jelly beans, helped open presents, read books with granny, and showed off like she does best. She got a little jealous when I held baby Jenna, though. After I'd been holding her for a while, Rylee came up to me and clearly said, "Quit, or I'll cry." Haha! She is such a little MESS! She's only a tiny bit spoiled... ;)
     Today we had church, and then we went out to lunch with Granny, Pawpaw, Aunt Vicki, Emilee, Matt, Amber, and baby Jenna. Rylee fed herself a whole cup of ice cream! She is really getting the hang of using utensils to feed herself. We got to the restaurant and she said, "Where's my highchair?" because the server hadn't brought her one yet, and when the server brought one in, she said, "There it is! There's my highchair!" She is talking so much lately. I can't believe how much she's grown up on me!

Monday, February 20, 2012

A Three-Day Weekend

     Because today is President's Day, we've had a 3-day weekend this weekend, and it has been wonderful to spend 3 full days together as a family. Last week was a really good week. It was my last week of full teaching responsibility at MES. I got to take time to really enjoy teaching my kiddos. Wednesday night we had our weekly play date with Aunt Liz and Kade, and we all had a blast. And Ryan got off work early on Friday night. That all made last week wonderful. This week is my last week with my sweet Kindergartners. I cannot believe how quickly this has flown by. But being so busy these past weeks has left me really missing my little family. This weekend was refreshing and much needed.
      Saturday I started the day by getting a haircut and making a quick trip to Walmart, and then we did absolutely nothing for the rest of the day. We were so lazy and it was wonderful! We played the Wii, watched cartoons, snuggled, and just hung out with each other. It was fabulous! Lazy Saturdays are the best!
    It always seems like Rylee learns new skills during or right before a long weekend/break. Last week Rylee completely mastered climbing stairs, and Friday, she began to master eating with a fork. Those are two skills she was a bit behind on so I was relieved and proud that she was working on them. No matter if her motor skills are a little behind, I am so proud of my big girl. Her cognitive and language abilities amaze me on a daily basis. She amazes me at how much she picks up on so quickly. I love her so much and watching her grow and learn is truly a blessing.
     Yesterday we went to church, did some school work, and then just spent more family time together. We played and wrestled with Rylee, cooked pancakes for dinner, played the Wii some more, watched a movie, and had another wonderful day. Spending two full days at home with my loves meant more to me than you could imagine. I love my little family!
     Today, we went to Memphis for a day of shopping fun. We took Rylee on the carousel, which she loves. We ran some errands, and I got Rylee a new pair of tennis shoes in the next size up on sale for $4!!! I was pretty excited about that. We had a good day, but I must say I am ready for a serious shopping day with Liz pretty soon. I could use some retail therapy, and Rylee needs a summer wardrobe! ;)

      On our way home, I got the text that Kade was in the ER! He was having difficulty breathing, and his heart rate was elevated. It turns out he has a mild case of bronchitis and severe double ear infections. I am so glad that it was not something more serious, and he is okay. I love that child like my own! 

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentine's Day

      Today was Valentine's Day. I had so much fun at school today with my kiddos. They were hyper (as expected), but very good. They are all so sweet. I love them so. I am getting VERY sad about leaving them in just over a week. :( I came home with all kinds of goodies today, and I had quite a few at school, too. So much for that weight, loss, huh? Haha!
     I wasn't able to see Ryan today, so we exchanged gifts on Sunday afternoon. I got him some chocolates, Need for Speed, and some PSN points. He got me some shopping money (with the promise of a shopping trip on Monday) and a new auxiliary cord for my MP3 player. With all the driving I do, my music is something I cannot go without!!  Rylee got some candy hearts, a small box of chocolates, a touch and feel book, some flashcards, a drawing tablet, and some crayons. She loved it all!
     Today, I pulled up to Granny's and Rylee was waiting for me at the door and saying "Mommy! Mommy!" She never does that. She never even really acknowledges me when I get there, she just keeps playing. But today she ran up and hugged me and said "Loves you!" It made my day! She's such a sweet little Valentine! Then, I came home and this was waiting for me on the table!! I was truly shocked! I didn't expect anything today since we already did gifts on Sunday. I must say I am truly blessed with a thoughtful and loving husband. I have the best 2 Valentines anyone could ask for!!
   Rylee was so cute in her Valentine's outfit, I couldn't resist a photo shoot. Her pictures turned out amazing, of course. :) Now I need more wall space to hang them! Haha!!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Bailey is 2!

      This week has been pretty good. It was another very busy week, but I'm kinda starting to get used to running, running, running. I've learned that even though I can't spend all of my time with my Rylee Love, I can make the time I spend with her as meaningful as possible. When I make it a point to hold her and really play with her and teach her things during my time with her, it makes it feel like I'm getting enough. I'm learning that happiness is a choice, and no matter how tiring life can be, you can choose to make the best of any situation! More good news is that since I started student teaching, I've lost 10 lbs. I haven't been trying to lose weight, it's just happened, but I'm glad. I've tried a lot of things since Rylee was born, and nothing really worked. Who knew student teaching would be the best weight loss plan? Haha!
      Friday was Bailey's 2nd birthday. I cannot believe she is 2! It seems like just yesterday I was pregnant with Rylee and checking my phone every 10 minutes to see if Bailey had decided to make an appearance yet! And here she is, a toddler! Time really does fly!
      Saturday was Bailey's party, and we traveled to Missouri to be there for it. It was a lot of fun. Rylee had fun playing at the party and at Bailey's house. I'm glad we were able to make it up there to see her on her special day.
     Rylee was such a good girl! I am so very proud of my angel-face! She road in the car for 4 hours to the party without any meltdowns! She had a bit of stranger anxiety when we got to the party, but she warmed up quickly and without much fuss. Then she road 4 hours back home without a meltdown!!! I am truly shocked. She always has at least 1 meltdown on long trips, but she's really growing up into such a well-mannered child. I am so glad she's all mine! :)

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Busy Bees :)

      This has been a busy week, but filled with good things. Tuesday Rylee had a doctor's appointment. She was up to 23 lbs and 33 in! She's growing like a weed now. Dr. Melton's final diagnosis was illness induced growth delay. She had a respiratory infection in November that turned into bronchitis in December, and when she finally kicked that, she got a double ear infection in January. Her body was too busy fighting off sicknesses to grow big and strong like she needed it to. Now she is illness free and growing fine. He also said that she was under eating a little before, not so much under eating as under drinking. She eats as much as the average 18-Month-Old, but she doesn't drink her 2-3 full cups of milk a day, so we have to make up for those calories by either getting her to drink that much milk, giving her pediasure, or having her eat more. Every day is something different. If she has a bad day and doesn't eat well, we go with pediasure. If she drinks a full cup of milk with her breakfast, we don't. I don't mind taking it day by day. I'm just so glad to have a healthy, happy baby girl!
      Wednesday night Liz and Kaden came over to play and have dinner. We had fun. We tried to plan to get together every Wednesday night, but things have come up 2 weeks in a row, so we were glad to get back on track this week. Kaden and Rylee just play so well together. They are so darn sweet! Kaden always wants to hug and kiss Rylee, and as much as she doesn't like, she doesn't get upset about it. Kaden loved the dinner I made! He ate a whole (toddler-sized) plate full and some off his mama's plate. Aunt Becca also snuck him a chocolate chip cookie! ;)
       Rylee got to spend some time with her cousin, Austin, this week! Melanie and Josh have been in town for a doctor's appointment and some things they had to take care of. Wednesday was Mel's birthday, so Ryan and Rylee went out to lunch with them. Then Friday, they came over and spent the day with Rylee and Ryan and Rylee and I went over and spent some time Friday evening. Mr. Austin sure is sweet! We love getting to spend some time with him.
    Yesterday, we were just lazy. Rylee laid on the couch watching cartoons. I got my lesson plans and stuff done for this week. Ryan played a game. And we all just hung out at home. We loved it. After this busy week, it felt good to just relax. Today we have church, and then I don't know what we'll do. It's Nonna's birthday today and Superbowl Sunday! So we'll do something...