Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Busy Bees :)

      This has been a busy week, but filled with good things. Tuesday Rylee had a doctor's appointment. She was up to 23 lbs and 33 in! She's growing like a weed now. Dr. Melton's final diagnosis was illness induced growth delay. She had a respiratory infection in November that turned into bronchitis in December, and when she finally kicked that, she got a double ear infection in January. Her body was too busy fighting off sicknesses to grow big and strong like she needed it to. Now she is illness free and growing fine. He also said that she was under eating a little before, not so much under eating as under drinking. She eats as much as the average 18-Month-Old, but she doesn't drink her 2-3 full cups of milk a day, so we have to make up for those calories by either getting her to drink that much milk, giving her pediasure, or having her eat more. Every day is something different. If she has a bad day and doesn't eat well, we go with pediasure. If she drinks a full cup of milk with her breakfast, we don't. I don't mind taking it day by day. I'm just so glad to have a healthy, happy baby girl!
      Wednesday night Liz and Kaden came over to play and have dinner. We had fun. We tried to plan to get together every Wednesday night, but things have come up 2 weeks in a row, so we were glad to get back on track this week. Kaden and Rylee just play so well together. They are so darn sweet! Kaden always wants to hug and kiss Rylee, and as much as she doesn't like, she doesn't get upset about it. Kaden loved the dinner I made! He ate a whole (toddler-sized) plate full and some off his mama's plate. Aunt Becca also snuck him a chocolate chip cookie! ;)
       Rylee got to spend some time with her cousin, Austin, this week! Melanie and Josh have been in town for a doctor's appointment and some things they had to take care of. Wednesday was Mel's birthday, so Ryan and Rylee went out to lunch with them. Then Friday, they came over and spent the day with Rylee and Ryan and Rylee and I went over and spent some time Friday evening. Mr. Austin sure is sweet! We love getting to spend some time with him.
    Yesterday, we were just lazy. Rylee laid on the couch watching cartoons. I got my lesson plans and stuff done for this week. Ryan played a game. And we all just hung out at home. We loved it. After this busy week, it felt good to just relax. Today we have church, and then I don't know what we'll do. It's Nonna's birthday today and Superbowl Sunday! So we'll do something...

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