Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Monday, February 20, 2012

A Three-Day Weekend

     Because today is President's Day, we've had a 3-day weekend this weekend, and it has been wonderful to spend 3 full days together as a family. Last week was a really good week. It was my last week of full teaching responsibility at MES. I got to take time to really enjoy teaching my kiddos. Wednesday night we had our weekly play date with Aunt Liz and Kade, and we all had a blast. And Ryan got off work early on Friday night. That all made last week wonderful. This week is my last week with my sweet Kindergartners. I cannot believe how quickly this has flown by. But being so busy these past weeks has left me really missing my little family. This weekend was refreshing and much needed.
      Saturday I started the day by getting a haircut and making a quick trip to Walmart, and then we did absolutely nothing for the rest of the day. We were so lazy and it was wonderful! We played the Wii, watched cartoons, snuggled, and just hung out with each other. It was fabulous! Lazy Saturdays are the best!
    It always seems like Rylee learns new skills during or right before a long weekend/break. Last week Rylee completely mastered climbing stairs, and Friday, she began to master eating with a fork. Those are two skills she was a bit behind on so I was relieved and proud that she was working on them. No matter if her motor skills are a little behind, I am so proud of my big girl. Her cognitive and language abilities amaze me on a daily basis. She amazes me at how much she picks up on so quickly. I love her so much and watching her grow and learn is truly a blessing.
     Yesterday we went to church, did some school work, and then just spent more family time together. We played and wrestled with Rylee, cooked pancakes for dinner, played the Wii some more, watched a movie, and had another wonderful day. Spending two full days at home with my loves meant more to me than you could imagine. I love my little family!
     Today, we went to Memphis for a day of shopping fun. We took Rylee on the carousel, which she loves. We ran some errands, and I got Rylee a new pair of tennis shoes in the next size up on sale for $4!!! I was pretty excited about that. We had a good day, but I must say I am ready for a serious shopping day with Liz pretty soon. I could use some retail therapy, and Rylee needs a summer wardrobe! ;)

      On our way home, I got the text that Kade was in the ER! He was having difficulty breathing, and his heart rate was elevated. It turns out he has a mild case of bronchitis and severe double ear infections. I am so glad that it was not something more serious, and he is okay. I love that child like my own! 

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