Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Halfway There

      This week was really laid back. It was my last week at MES, so I did not teach very much. I did a lot of observing. We didn't get to have our weekly play date with Liz and Kade Wednesday because he was still sick, so they came and met us at the park on Thursday and the kids got to play together for a little while. It was a nice week to be outside and enjoy each day.
     My last day in Ms. Tiffany's class was hard. Ms. Tiffany cried, I cried, and my kiddos cried. But they gave me this wonderful good luck gift! I was blown away. No I have a lot of the stuff I'll need when I have my own classroom! :) I am so thankful for my time at MES. I learned so much and met so many wonderful people. Now I am halfway done with student teaching. It has really flown by! I'm excited to meet my next CT and class on Tuesday!
     Saturday, we went to a bridal shower for Emilee and Jeff. They are getting married on March 17. Rylee had fun at the shower. She ate jelly beans, helped open presents, read books with granny, and showed off like she does best. She got a little jealous when I held baby Jenna, though. After I'd been holding her for a while, Rylee came up to me and clearly said, "Quit, or I'll cry." Haha! She is such a little MESS! She's only a tiny bit spoiled... ;)
     Today we had church, and then we went out to lunch with Granny, Pawpaw, Aunt Vicki, Emilee, Matt, Amber, and baby Jenna. Rylee fed herself a whole cup of ice cream! She is really getting the hang of using utensils to feed herself. We got to the restaurant and she said, "Where's my highchair?" because the server hadn't brought her one yet, and when the server brought one in, she said, "There it is! There's my highchair!" She is talking so much lately. I can't believe how much she's grown up on me!

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