Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Bailey is 2!

      This week has been pretty good. It was another very busy week, but I'm kinda starting to get used to running, running, running. I've learned that even though I can't spend all of my time with my Rylee Love, I can make the time I spend with her as meaningful as possible. When I make it a point to hold her and really play with her and teach her things during my time with her, it makes it feel like I'm getting enough. I'm learning that happiness is a choice, and no matter how tiring life can be, you can choose to make the best of any situation! More good news is that since I started student teaching, I've lost 10 lbs. I haven't been trying to lose weight, it's just happened, but I'm glad. I've tried a lot of things since Rylee was born, and nothing really worked. Who knew student teaching would be the best weight loss plan? Haha!
      Friday was Bailey's 2nd birthday. I cannot believe she is 2! It seems like just yesterday I was pregnant with Rylee and checking my phone every 10 minutes to see if Bailey had decided to make an appearance yet! And here she is, a toddler! Time really does fly!
      Saturday was Bailey's party, and we traveled to Missouri to be there for it. It was a lot of fun. Rylee had fun playing at the party and at Bailey's house. I'm glad we were able to make it up there to see her on her special day.
     Rylee was such a good girl! I am so very proud of my angel-face! She road in the car for 4 hours to the party without any meltdowns! She had a bit of stranger anxiety when we got to the party, but she warmed up quickly and without much fuss. Then she road 4 hours back home without a meltdown!!! I am truly shocked. She always has at least 1 meltdown on long trips, but she's really growing up into such a well-mannered child. I am so glad she's all mine! :)

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