Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentine's Day

      Today was Valentine's Day. I had so much fun at school today with my kiddos. They were hyper (as expected), but very good. They are all so sweet. I love them so. I am getting VERY sad about leaving them in just over a week. :( I came home with all kinds of goodies today, and I had quite a few at school, too. So much for that weight, loss, huh? Haha!
     I wasn't able to see Ryan today, so we exchanged gifts on Sunday afternoon. I got him some chocolates, Need for Speed, and some PSN points. He got me some shopping money (with the promise of a shopping trip on Monday) and a new auxiliary cord for my MP3 player. With all the driving I do, my music is something I cannot go without!!  Rylee got some candy hearts, a small box of chocolates, a touch and feel book, some flashcards, a drawing tablet, and some crayons. She loved it all!
     Today, I pulled up to Granny's and Rylee was waiting for me at the door and saying "Mommy! Mommy!" She never does that. She never even really acknowledges me when I get there, she just keeps playing. But today she ran up and hugged me and said "Loves you!" It made my day! She's such a sweet little Valentine! Then, I came home and this was waiting for me on the table!! I was truly shocked! I didn't expect anything today since we already did gifts on Sunday. I must say I am truly blessed with a thoughtful and loving husband. I have the best 2 Valentines anyone could ask for!!
   Rylee was so cute in her Valentine's outfit, I couldn't resist a photo shoot. Her pictures turned out amazing, of course. :) Now I need more wall space to hang them! Haha!!

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