Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Spring Break

     This week has been my Spring Break and it has been absolutely wonderful! We have spent so much time outside enjoying the beautiful warm weather. The weather has been nice every single day. I have gotten to spend tons of time with my little buggy and sweet husband, and I just feel so happy and refreshed!
      Last Saturday, we went to Memphis to shop for Ryan's birthday gifts and go out to eat at his favorite place, Buffalo Wild Wings. We had fun. Ryan got an outfit and two games for his birthday, and we had a lot of fun. Sunday we went to church and then spent a quiet afternoon at home. Rylee fell and hit her head when we were leaving church so we spent the day loving on her (even though she was just fine!)
      Monday, I went grocery shopping and then spent the rest of the day playing with Ryles. We played outside until supper then came in and played inside. I just love spending time with that little lady! Tuesday, we met Nonna and Granddaddy at the park to walk and play-play-play! We stayed at the park for about 2 hours, and then we went to Los Portales for dinner. Rylee ate a whole plate of fries! She worked up an appetite!
      Wednesday, I went over to Liz and Brandon's to keep Kade-man! Ryan brought Rylee over once she got up and around and they played all day. Rylee loves it over there because they have so many fun toys to play on outside! I had so much fun watching those two kiddos have a blast! Thursday, Ryan and I took Rylee to the park and we ran some errands. After that, Rylee and I spent a quiet evening at home watching cartoons on the couch.
     Friday was Ryan's 22nd birthday! We went over to his parent's to wash his car. Rylee even helped! Then we got lunch at Taco Bell (Ryan's choice, not mine!) and headed home so Rylee could get a nap. We all ended up taking a nap, and then we headed over to Nonna's and Granddaddy's to go to Jackson for Ryan's birthday dinner. We went to Steak and Shake and pigged out. Around dinner time, I started to feel kinda sick, but I tried to push it aside and have a good time. By the time we got back to the house to have cake and open gifts, I really did not feel good. When we got home I was pretty sick and I'm pretty sure that the Taco Bell gave me food poisoning. Ick!
     We had planned on going to the zoo Saturday for Kaden's first time. I REALLY wanted to go even though I wasn't feeling 100% just yet, and I'm glad I did! We had a lot of fun and it was so amazing to watch Kaden see all the animals for the first time. Rylee enjoyed it, too! She loves animals, and she got to see some this time that we didn't get a chance to see the first time she went!
    Today we slept in and didn't make it to church, but we'll definitely make it next week for Easter Sunday! I have greatly enjoyed my break and I'm glad that I got to enjoy this time with my little family! Only 4 more weeks of student teaching to go and then I will be a college graduate! :)

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