Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Another Week Down...

     This week at school has been pretty good. It started out pretty rough as ATES suffered a tragedy when our art teacher passed away early on Good Friday. Monday, Mrs. Coats broke the news to the kids, but they didn't really understand it. It is hard to deal with explaining death to 6-year-old's, but there are a lot of things that teachers have to do other than teach kids their grammar and arithmetic. Even though it was sad to lose such a wonderful person, our lives went on and school went on. We had a pretty good week. I taught my unit on fractions and my kiddos loved it. They all did so well on their math test on Friday! They usually do poorly in math, but I had 8 100's, 5 A's, 6 B's, and 1 C. No D's or F's!! I was proud of them and it made me feel good about my teaching strategies. :) Only 2 more weeks of student teaching to go then I will be a "real" teacher!
     This week at home has been pretty good, too! Monday night, Rylee and I had dinner over at Nonna's and Granddaddy's. It was yummy! Rylee even went potty over at their house! She is not anywhere near potty-trained, but she is learning. Wednesday we had our weekly play date with Aunt Liz and Kaden and Rylee had a blast! She loves teaching Kaden how to take care of her dolls! ;) The other nights this week, I just spent my time playing with Rylee. I love my time with her so much. Right before bed each night, she'll crawl onto the couch and tell me, "Mommy, snuggle!" and I'll come snuggle her and watch cartoons for a few minutes before I put her to bed.
     This weekend has been wonderful. Yesterday I got my hair cut, and then we stayed home playing video games and hanging out the rest of the day. This morning we went to church and then we relaxed this afternoon while Rylee napped. Tonight we are going to take Rylee to her first baseball game! I am sure she is going to love it!
     Rylee is growing up so quickly. She changes every day. Every morning since we converted her crib to a toddler bed, we have found her in the morning reading a book. She just wakes up and grabs a book off the shelf and brings it into bed with her. She's such a little smarty-pants! She almost knows the entire ABC son, she talks nonstop about everything, and she is interested in learning about everything around her. I just cannot brag on her enough. My baby is a little genius! ;)

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