Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Sunday, April 29, 2012


      Friday was my very last day of student teaching. Next Saturday is my commencement ceremony. I am finished with my undergraduate career!! Woo!! I am very excited. It is also a little bit scary. Even though I am already a wife and a mother, this REALLY makes me feel like a grown-up. It seems like a lot of responsibility to have a college degree and soon, (hopefully!) a full-time job. I am excited, anxious, and a little bit nervous, but mostly EXCITED! :)
      My last day of school went well. The last week was awful. I had to proctor for TCAP and it was so boring, and my kiddos were on a different schedule, so when I finished proctoring and got to back back to my class, my kiddos were all CRAZY! But Friday TCAP was over and they got to be back on their own schedule and they were angels. They were all so sweet to me. I got several sweet notes and pictures from them and a wonderful Good Luck gift from Mrs. Coats. I had such a great experience throughout all of my student teaching. I am really glad that I got such great placements.
     Friday night, Liz and I and our babies went out to dinner to celebrate! Then Saturday we did a photo shoot to try to sort of recreate the photos we took last year of the cousins. It is so unreal how much they've changed in just 12 short months. Our babies aren't really babies anymore! But they are such blessings. :) We love them to pieces and I think they like each other a little, too. They definitely act like siblings, they have their little disagreements, but mostly they just have fun playing and getting into stuff together. Haha! They are gonna be trouble as they keep growing!

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