Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Only One Week To Go

      This week was a good week. I had a good week with my kiddos at school. Tuesday, I had a screening interview with Tipton County, and I made it through with a referral for a Principal Interview. Friday, I went on my first field trip as a "teacher," and I had so much fun. We went to the Lichterman Nature Center and then to Shelby Farms to eat our lunches. I loved seeing how excited the kids were to go on the trip. It was a lot more work than a typical day at school, but it was definitely worth it because they all seemed to learn a lot and have a blast while they did. Next week is my last week of student teaching, and I have less than 2 weeks until graduation. I'm so excited! Next week I will be proctoring the TCAP test for another class. I am not very excited about that. Testing is so boring, but considering only 5 days stand between me and being done, I think I'll survive! :)
     Wednesday night, it was Liz's turn to host our weekly dinners/play dates. Rylee has so much fun over there. This time, she got to meet the baby chicks Kaden got for Easter from his Meme. She loved those chicks! She was chasing them around the yard trying to catch them. She almost caught one, but when she actually touched it, she realized she was scared of it. Haha! You gotta love my timid Rylee!
    This week with Rylee has been pretty good, but she seems to be going through a little bit of a whiny phase. It hasn't been bad, she is just typically such a good girl that it stands out when she is the least bit grouchy. She's acting like she's getting more teeth, so I think that is the issue. She's been chewing on everything and sleeping a lot. Those are her typical signs. All she is missing is her top 2 2-year molars, so if she is getting more teeth she will have all of her teeth, big girl! She turned 22-months-old yesterday. I cannot believe she will be 2 in 2 months! Time flies! She is so smart, though. I feel like she is pretty advanced cognitively, but I don't know if I just think that because I'm her mom or because it's true. Time will tell. This weekend she learned how to spell her name singing it to the tune of B-I-N-G-O. She also knows how to sing the entire ABC song. She knows all of the basic shapes. Now, we're working on colors, but this is the first thing she is not picking up on right away. I feel like maybe she just isn't ready yet. She'll get them soon. I'm so excited that soon I will get to spend all my time with her! Ah, I love Summer Break! :)

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