Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter Weekend & Paw Paw's Birthday

      Friday night, we went over to Nonna's and Granddaddy's for a cookout and s'mores. Rylee got to open her Easter basket from Nonna while we were over there. She got so spoiled! It was completely FILLED with goodies and gifts. She enjoyed the fire pit. We made s'mores, but she preferred eating just the graham crackers until she figured out that there was chocolate bars involved. Then she had to have a piece or two of chocolate. ;)
      Saturday, we had an Easter egg hunt for Ryles and Kaden over at Liz and Brandon's. The kids had SO much fun! They were searching for eggs and putting them into their baskets like pros! Then afterwards, when they realized there were goodies in their eggs, they were even more excited! After the egg hunt, we went to dinner at Los Portales. It was good! :)
     Today is Easter. We went to church this morning for the Easter service. It was lovely, but since it was a little longer than usual service, Rylee got pretty antsy. She refused to go to the nursery, so I hope she didn't disturb anyone during the service! Today is also Paw Paw's birthday, so after church we went out to lunch at Olympic. We love Paw Paw and Rylee adores him! Happy Birthday, Paw Paw!
     This week went by very quickly! Only 3 more weeks of student teaching left and less than a month until graduation! I am SO excited! I am very ready to have my own classroom and students, but I have been very blessed to have such great student teaching placements and I am thankful for all I've learned form my two amazing CTs! :) Ryan got some bad news this week. He is going to be laid off on May 1st. We knew it was coming, but it doesn't make it any less frightening. God's got a plan, but sometimes you just wish he would let you in on it, ya know?

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