Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Fair Fun

     Last night, we went to the Dyersburg Fair and had a blast. The kids rode lots and lots of rides. Rylee is OBSESSED with rides and she would have kept going and going until morning, I am sure. It was fun to see her having so much fun.
    Some of the rides required an adult to ride with the kids because they were a bit intense. Those kinds were Rylee's favorite. She must take after her mommy and daddy: we love going to Six Flags and riding roller coasters. I think Mary and Ryan had just as much fun as the kids did on those rides.
 After their arm bands expired at 7, we grabbed some fair food and headed over to the mud bog. It was fun to see different ATVs try to make it through a huge mud pit. The kids REALLY got into it, and that surprised me. Rylee said, "I don't know why they want to go through that yucky mud, but this is funny." Haha! Love my girlie girl! It was a fun night and I love making memories with our sweet kids.

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