Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Family Time

    Lately, we have been spending lots of time together as a family while we are still a family of 3. Last weekend, we went to Memphis and spent the day shopping and playing. We let Rylee ride the carousel at the mall, then we took her to a nearby park. She had a blast. Since I started my leave a few weeks ago, I kept her home from school Thursday and we spent the whole day cuddling and rocking while watching cartoons. 
     Baby Payton will be here by Friday at the latest, so this past Saturday was Rylee's last Saturday as an only child. We let her pick what she wanted to do, so we headed to Incredible Pizza to eat and play-play-play! She had so much fun going form game to game to game and riding all the little rides. She won enough points to get a little pink stuffed puppy that she has been obsessed with ever since. After we got home, she took a short nap, then we headed to Nonna and Granddaddy's house to spend some time with them and Aunt Mel and Austin.
      Sunday after church, we headed to Alamo to Tennessee Safari Park. We had a lot of fun. Rylee like the baby piggies the best during the drive-through part. She liked the baby ostriches the best in the walk-through section. She also had a blast playing on their little playground. She has gotten to be so much more active than she used to be. I love my energetic child!
     As excited as I am about meeting baby Payton in just 3 short days, it's weird to think that my whole world will no longer revolve around this one little princess. Rylee Love is the child that made me a mommy and that is a very special thing, but I know I will love Payton just as much. On Friday, my love will not be divided, but multiplied. I think my heart may explode... :)

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