Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Sunday, September 8, 2013

The Waiting Game

     Liz took some amazing family maternity shots last weekend. I am so in love with them. Rylee was really not feeling taking pictures that day, but you can't even tell in these sweet photos: now that's talent! ;)
      We are all beyond ready to meet little miss Payton Joy. Yes, I am even ready for long nights and fussiness, and sibling jealousy, and everything that comes with becoming a second time parent. I know without a single doubt the good will more than 1000x make up for the bad. I will have my days alone with Miss Payton while Rylee is at school, and during the evening and weekends, I will have my complete family of 4 to love and make memories with. I cannot wait. It's looking like I will even have some night time help from Ryan. He has a physical on Monday to start a new job!! This job is first shift (7-3), so we can finally be on the same schedule. We have never been on the same schedule. When I was in college and student teaching, he worked 2nd shift, and now he works 3rd shift. It will be so good to have more time with him and I know he will enjoy being able to sleep at night again!
    I had my 36 week Dr. appointment on Thurs, and found out that Payton is ready. We had a little bit of a scare because my fundal height was only 33 cm (it should have been close to 36), so the Dr. ordered an ultrasound to be sure Payton was growing well. She is growing great. We got see that her lungs are fully developed and ready for delivery, and she actually measured 2 weeks ahead, the size of a 38 weeker. Her estimated weight was 6lbs, 14 oz! The ultrasound tech explained that my fundal height was behind because Payton had dropped. She is head down, actively engaged at +1 station, and my body is preparing for delivery, no dialation yet, but 100% effaced. Since Rylee was breech, I never got to experience the "any day now" excitement with her. But Dr. seems to think we won't make it to our 9-27 c-section date with Miss Payton, and I may be able to deliver her naturally. I would love to, so I hope she cooperates, but if there's one thing I know it's that my little girls are stubborn ones, and she will not come a minute sooner than she wants to. I just hope she decides to comes soon. I would love to meet her early and therefore have a little bit of a longer leave with her before I have to return to work on 11-18. I would also love to avoid a second C-section, but only time will tell...

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