Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Friday, November 1, 2013

Halloween 2013

      This Halloween was fun-filled and very busy. It started Wednesday morning with the preschool Halloween party. Rylee was a little unsure about the costumes and everything being out of routine at first, but she soon warmed up and joined in on all the fun. I was glad that I'm not back at work yet, so I could stay with her until she warmed up so that she was able to enjoy the party with all of her friends. They dressed up in costumes and danced and played, then they went trick-or-treating at a local drugstore, then they had Halloween treats for lunch. Rylee came home saying she had "the best day ever!"
    Once she got home from school, we got her back into her costume and we got Payton in hers. Rylee was a bumblebee and Payton was a ladybug. I love my little love bugs so very much! Even though Halloween wasn't until Thursday, we were heading to Trunk or Treat at Mary's Chapel.
      The kids had a blast at trunk or treat. They walked form car to car saying "Trick or treat" and collecting candy. They got their faces painted, then they jumped in the bouncy house for a long time. After that, we went in and they had a snack before we headed home.
     On Thursday, we got them dressed up again for trick or treating. Our first stop was Aunt Mary's house where we exchanged little gifts with the cousins. Rylee and Payton both got some fun stuff.
      Next, we headed to the nursing home where Kade's MeMe works. The kids were so sweet, telling all of the elderly people "Happy Halloween!" and they got lots and lots of candy from the ladies and Kade's MeMe hooked them up with goodie bags that were filled with treats.
     Next we headed to Nonna and Granddaddy's. The kids got goodiebags filled with toys and candy and Payton got a cute new outfit. They always get spoiled by Nonna!
     Our last stop was Granny and Paw Paw's. At this point, Payton was tired of her costume, Rylee was hungry and sleepy, and both of them were crying. But Granny and Paw Paw had them both calmed and quiet within seconds (they have the magic touch!). They enjoyed their last stop, then we headed home.
    I think we've decided next year that we are only going to dress up and go out 1 night because this year Halloween wore us out! It was a lot of fun, though. Rylee had so much fun. Holidays get more and more fun the older she gets, but I still can't believe this was her 4th Halloween! And it was so special to celebrate Payton's first holiday. I'm looking forward to this Holiday Season as a mother of 2! It's a whole new "ball-game" now! :)

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