Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

9 Months Old!

     Payton Joy is 9 Months Old! She is 19 lbs 9 oz (75th percentile) and 27.75 in. long (75th percentile). She wears size 12 M clothes and size 18 M sleepers. She wears size 4 diapers, and size 2 shoes on the rare occasion that I put shoes on her. She doesn't really like shoes. She goes to bed around 8 pm and wakes up around 7 am. She takes 2 naps per day usually around 10 and 3. She typically naps anywhere from 1-2 hours at each naptime. All she needs to fall asleep is her paci, her silky, and her singing glowworm. She is such a little chatter bug and still says her words, but she's added 1 more word to the mix: "MAMA!" She is so cute when she calls for me. It is the most precious sound.
 She still only has her 2 bottom teeth, but they are stinkin' adorable! She is acting like she may get her top 2 soon, but we shall see. She has mastered the army crawl and is fairly mobile, but she still hasn't officially crawled yet. She's learned how to pull herself up into a standing position, but once she does it, she can't figure out how to get down. I'm trying to transition her from silicone spout sippy cups to a harder (but still soft) spout. She doesn't care much for a bottle anymore, so I am thinking of just completely getting rid of bottles, too. I haven't fully decided. I'm going to wait to see how well she transitions to these new sippy cups before I fully decide.
      She's been eating more and more table food and she loves it! I even let her try a tiny bit of cake at Rylee's birthday party just for fun. It was her first encounter with chocolate, and she won't have another until her 1st birthday party. For breakfast she eats a Gerber stage 2 fruit, a Gerber stage 1 veggie, and some cheerios or whole-grain toast. For lunch she eats a Gerber stage 2 veggie, a Gerber stage 1 fruit, and some puffs or yogurt melts. For dinner she eats a Gerber yogurt, a Gerber stage 2 meal, and bites of whatever I cooked for dinner. She drinks water and diluted 100% juice with her meals and nurses in between meals. She is still mostly breastfed, I only give her formula if we are going somewhere, or if she is extra hungry and I can't keep up. She's had maybe 5 formula bottles in the last month... not very much formula at all. I nurse on demand, especially now that it seems she is going through a growth-spurt, but on a typical day she would nurse 4 times a day. Lately it's been more like 6 times a day, but a growing baby needs lots of milk!
     She is such a water bug! She doesn't mind floating in deep water in her little floatie for short periods of time, but what she LOVES is shallow water that she can sit in and splash-splash-splash! She could sit and splash for hours, even in cool water. She also loves bathtime for the same reason. 
       Her eye is still draining, so we have scheduled her probe for July 8th. I will be relieved when it is over, and I know she will be glad to not have goop coming out of her eye all day every day anymore. I am a little nervous about it, but she is a champ, and I know she'll be fine. She barely cries about anything, so I'm hoping she is just as chill about this procedure!

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