Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

4 Year Check-Up

      Today Rylee had her 4 year physical and shots. She weighs 32 lbs and is 3 ft 5 in. tall. They don't do percentiles anymore after 3, but he basically said she's a little taller and a lot thinner than the average 4-year-old. There are no concerns about her weight though because she always always been tall and skinny. It's just her build. She had to have her finger pricked and pee in a cup, which she didn't cry about either of those. She was even smiling and talking to the nurse who pricked her finger while she was getting her blood sample. She failed her hearing test because she has impacted wax in her ears, so they tried to rinse it out in the office, but that didn't work because it was irritating her ear and she began to freak out, so they just told us to continue to rinse them out at home until we see the wax come out... Gross! Then she had to have 2 shots, she cried for the shots, but calmed down the very second they were done. Once we left, we went straight to chik-fil-a, as is our doctor visit tradition! :)
     She wears size 5T, 5, or 5/6 shirts, pjs, and dresses depending on the brand, and size 4T or 4 bottoms, and swimwear. She wears size 9 tennis shoes, flats, and closed-toe sandals, and size 8 flip-flops and open toe sandals. She typically sleeps from about 8:30 pm -7:30 am, and she hasn't been napping lately. She just decided about 2 weeks ago that she didn't need a nap anymore. She can write her name: Rylee Love without any help, but we are still working on Massengill, all she's got by memory so far is the M. She can also write Payton's name without help. She has been learning to spell and read and write some words, just by playing on her nabi, paying attention when Ryan or I read to her, and noticing her surroundings. She picks up on everything. I try to work with her, but she doesn't really like to work with me, and I don't want to force her. She's already ahead of where she needs to be, so I'm not going to force it.
      Rylee is such a special little girl. She has the biggest heart. She is such an amazing big sister to Payton. Every moment that Payton is awake, Rylee wants her to be wherever she is, and when she is sleeping, Rylee checks on her on the baby monitor. Rylee is also super creative. She loves to play Barbies, and she makes up the cutest little stories for them. She also likes to make up her own little songs. I love her little singing voice.
     And she is fearless. It amazes me how brave she is. She loves water and loves to swim. She has become so active. She is up for anything lately, and it is so not like the frightened and reserved child I had before.
       And she has become a major Daddy's girl. Their favorite thing to do is play Super Mario on the Super Nintendo. I spend most of my day answering the question, "When will Daddy come home?" She's still my buddy though, and I love spending my days with my little sidekick. I still can't believe she is 4 years old. Time needs to slow down!

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