Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Monday, June 16, 2014

Fathers Day 2014

       Saturday we began our Father's Day celebration with Payton's first trip to the Memphis Zoo! The weather was nice, and both girls seemed to have a blast. Rylee loved seeing and talking about all the animals and Payton was content cruising around in the stroller enjoying all the new sights and sounds.
     It turns out Liz, Brandon, and Kaden had the same idea and we ran into them while we were at the zoo! Rylee and Kaden were thrilled to see the monkeys together and talk about what they had seen so far, and later they got a chance to meet up again at the playground.
     Ryan got to choose where we headed for dinner and her chose Buffalo Wild Wings. I was nervous about eating out with 2 tired little girls, but they both behaved themselves, and we had a fun, yummy dinner. Both girls were passed out as soon as we were out of the parking lot on the way home. It was a fun day!
      Sunday morning, Ryan and Payton slept in a little while Rylee and I made father's Day breakfast before church. We made him raspberry muffins. Rylee was so excited about Father's Day. She was bursting at the seams to wake up daddy and show him his breakfast and give him his gift.
     She woke him up by giving him sloppy kisses and jumping on his back repeatedly (the joys of fatherhood-haha). Then he opened his gift while the muffins cooled a little. Rylee and Payton made him a poem with their hand prints on it, and his gift was a frosted stein with the girls' pictures on it that said "World's Greatest Dad." He loved his gifts and we all enjoyed the muffins. Even Payton ate one!
     After church, we headed home for lunch and so Payton could get a nap. Then we headed to Nonna and Granddaddy's, so Ryan could spend father's day with his dad. The girls swam in the kiddo pool, and the cover was taken off the big pool. We are excited that it will be ready to swim in soon. Nonna cooked a delicious pot roast dinner, and Granddaddy made homemade ice cream!

     Ryan seemed to enjoy his Father's Day weekend, and I also had a lot of fun. On instagram I posted a photo of him with the girls with the caption, "I knew he was something special when I married him, but I had no idea how amazing he was until he became a daddy. These girls absolutely adore him, and he'd do anything for them. I could not ask for a better partner to parent with. Happy Father's Day, Ryan David! #bestdaddyever #lovemyhubby" & I meant every word.

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