Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Friday, June 13, 2014

Summer Break Fun

    Oh, how I love Summer Break! Spending all my time with these two goofs is the absolute best! Since we got home from Destin, our summer break has been pretty calm, but we have had a few adventures in the past 2 weeks..
    It has rained... A LOT. Pretty much every single day at some time or another, it has rained. So we have spent a lot of time indoors. The girls have spent a lot of time playing. I don't think either one of them realized how many toys they had until now, but they have played with them all. Their favorite way to play is together. Wherever Rylee is, that's where Payton wants to be and the feeling is mutual. I love their bond and hope it's always this strong.
     Last weekend, we were tired of being cooped up, so we headed to Jackson with Nonna and Granddaddy. We shopped for Rylee's birthday gifts and did some more shopping and then went to dinner at Olive Garden. Rylee was thrilled, they have a chicken tenders, spaghetti, and french fry meal-all her favorites! She has been doing so much better about her eating habits; she's still very picky, but it's so much better than before.
    Monday we went to dinner at Los Portales to celebrate Mary's birthday which was on Tuesday. After we ate, the kids went out on the sidewalk and played in the rain. It was very funny. Tuesday, the girls and I went to Wal-mart to get a few things and then we stopped by the bank to give Mary her birthday gift and Rylee picked her out a balloon while we were shopping. 
      Wednesday, we headed to Dyersburg with Liz and Kaden. Liz and I had some "teacher shopping" to do, then we took the kids to Chik-fil-a and the park. The shopping part was a little hectic with our wild kiddos, but the rest was a lot of fun. 

     Wednesday evening, we headed to Ripley Water Park for Trent's 3rd birthday party. Both girls loved the water so. Payton liked to sit on the edge and splash, and Rylee was fearless. She slid down the kid's slides over and over and over, and at the end of the party, I took her down the big slide. She covered her face at the end because she didn't want water to get in her eyes, but under those hands was the biggest smile, and she was laughing the entire way down! Now she is more excited than ever for her birthday party there next weekend.
     Yesterday, I had to go to the dentist, and today I had to get a physical for my insurance, so the girls got to spend a little time yesterday with Granny and Paw Paw and a little time today with Nonna. Other than that, they have spent a lot of time in this playroom: Rylee playing Barbies, and Payton jamming away in this piano. I have been organizing the house little by little over these rainy days, and I am amazed at how much has gotten done. Why can't it always be summer break?!
    And we finally got a little bit of sunshine!!!!!!!!! The girls were both content as could be in this pool splashing and enjoying the sunshine. Mommy even got to catch a few rays while they played. For the first time in 2 weeks, it actually felt like summer break! ;)

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