Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Sunday, June 11, 2017

Rylee and Maddy's Pool Party

      This year, we decided to combine Maddy and Rylee's birthday parties since they both have June birthdays and many of the same guests attend each party. It turned out to be a lot of fun!
      Rylee is feeling much better since having her tonsils and adenoids removed less than 2 weeks ago, but she still wasn't feeling 100%, so she was a little on edge. She didn't want to blow out a candle, she didn't want to sit for this picture, and she didn't want to open presents, so of course we didn't make her. After all, we want her to enjoy her party... It really worked out that we had a joint party, so at least Maddy enjoyed doing those things and everyone cold watch her.
     She did however, eat 4 pieces of pizza and then she had a blast participating in the water gun war. All the kids (and adults) had a blast playing with the water guns until it was time to head over to the pool.
    The water was cold, but it was a lot of fun. We swam and played and laughed.
    After swimming for about an hour, Rylee Love got too cold and tired and was ready to get out. She wrapped up in a towel and enjoyed snacking and dancing to the music until it was time to go.
    Towards the end of the party, another water gun war broke out. It was so funny to watch. Everyone seemed to have a blast.
    When we got home, Rylee opened her presents. She was so excited to see everything she got without the pressure of having anyone watch her. She thoroughly enjoyed every gift. I am so glad everything went well and that we have such amazing, understanding family and friends who are willing to accommodate Rylee and her needs. If she had been pressured to participate in activities that she was uncomfortable with, the night could've gone way differently...

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