Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Sunday, June 18, 2017

VBS, Pool Fun, & Father's Day 2017

     Last week, we had VBS at Mary's Chapel. I led the 1st and 2nd grade group. It was so much fun! The kids in my group were at that age where they were asking lots of really good questions. It was so exciting to watch them get excited about learning about God. The kids had a lot of fun and learned a lot, too. It's the perfect combination!
     Tuesday, we went swimming in Nonna and Granddaddy's pool for the first time this year! Liz and her boys joined us, and it was a lot of fun. The girls were kinda whiny at first, but soon everyone was having an absolute blast. I LOVE SUMMER!
    Yesterday we went to Dyersburg to eat at Cracker Barrel for an early Father's Day dinner. It was so delicious. Then we went shopping to spend some of Rylee's birthday money. She had so much fun picking out exactly what she wanted. It was a perfect day!
     Today we went to church, then had lunch at Subway. We had a lazy afternoon before heading back to church for VBS family night. The kids sang their songs from VBS, we watched a slideshow of pictures from the week, then we ate. At the end, the kids got to throw water balloons at the male leaders because the girls raised more money than the boys throughout the week. It was a blast!

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