Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Rylee Love is 7!

    Rylee Love is 7-years-old!! Where did my little baby go?! I sure hate how time flies, but she really is growing more gorgeous by the day, so I guess that's a plus. ;)
    Liz had a training to attend on Rylee's birthday, so Kaden spent the day with us. Rylee was so excited to spend her birthday with her BFF. They spent the entire morning playing video games together and having a blast.
     Goodness I love this goofy child! I spent the day trying to make sure she got everything she wanted, starting with her favorite breakfast: cinnamon rolls. I love birthdays, and I love to spoil my baby!
     Kaden and Payton both made Rylee special handmade cards. She was so happy to look at what they made her.
    Kade was so into her opening her presents, you would've thought they were for him. He was so happy for her about each gift. We got her a Rubik's cube, a Zelda themed carrying case for her 3DS, a Zelda Triforce nightlight, a Nintendo EShop giftcard, and Super Mario Sunshine. She was so excited.
    After they opened her gifts an played with them for a while, we headed to Pizza Hut for her birthday lunch. These 3 tore up the pizza buffet, eating 5 pieces of pizza a piece! Where do they put it all?!
    After lunch, we headed back home where they played for a few more hours. Then we headed to Dyersburg for a special  Chik-Fil-A dinner for the birthday girl. We almost had a meltdown when I ordered the wrong drink with her dinner(only autism moms will understand this struggle), but she quickly calmed when I got her the drink she wanted. Luckily, we made it through her entire birthday meltdown free! Yay! After we ate, the kids played in the play area for over an hour. It was the perfect ending to a perfect day for our sweet Rylee Love.
     Rylee Love, you are such an amazing blessing from God. You have taught me so much more than I could ever teach you. You continue to amaze me every single day with how smart and resilient you are. You refuse to let anything hold you back. I wish you could be my little baby forever, but since you can't, I am excited to see what you grow up to become. You have already done so much to teach me and those around you about embracing uniqueness and loving unconditionally. I am so proud to be your mama. Happy Birthday, my little Love-bug!

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