Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Christmas City and Christmas at Church

       Last night, Liz, Brandon, Kaden, Melanie, Josh, Ryan, and I went to Christmas City at the Rose of Sharon Campground in Covington. First we had dinner at La Huasteca. It was really good; I love Mexican food! Then we made the drive over to the campground, and luckily we found places to park!
      We had a short wait for the train. When we got on it, we were a little closer than we preferred to be, but we still had a good time. The lights were so pretty, and there were so many of them! Rylee really enjoyed it. She kept pointing to all the different displays and saying "What's that?" over and over again! :) After we got off the train, we grabbed some hot cocoa and funnel cakes and then got in line to see Santa. We don't do the whole Santa deal with Rylee, but Kaden does, so Liz wanted to get a picture of them together. However, Rylee started shivering, so I decided to take her to the car to wait. Kaden had a melt down when she left, and we all just went home.
     Today we had a Christmas service at church. Since next Sunday is Christmas, service will not be held, so we celebrated today. There was a puppet show and Rylee was thrilled. She just stood and watched it, entranced the entire time. She looked absolutely adorable in her cute Christmas dress! :) Soon we are going over to Nonna's and Gran-da-da's to have some burgers with them and Melanie and Josh. Baby Austin will be here tomorrow!!!!!!

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