Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Snow in the Fall

     I am not the biggest fan of the white stuff. It's cold and wet and it makes it had to travel anywhere. However, it has been kinda cool to see it snow twice while it's still Fall. This picture was taken last Monday, November 28, 2011. It had been raining all day, and just started snowing big flakes around 2 PM and this picture was taken at 2:30. It started accumulating very quickly, but it didn't last for long so we didn't get a huge amount.
    Last I heard, we were supposed to get a few flurries last night,I didn't really think anything of it because surely it wouldn't really snow twice before Christmas, right? It never snows and sticks here before winter. We usually only get a handful of snows all year. I woke up this morning and everything was white. Another snow in the Fall!
     Monday, we didn't take Rylee out in the snow because she was still pretty sick, but today we took her out. She liked being outside, but she didn't really like the snow. It made it difficult for her to walk because her feet kept getting stuck in it and that made her frustrated. I think she'll like it better when it's not such sticky snow and she's a better walker. I hope this early snow isn't a sign of a snow-filled winter. If we get snow days while I'm student teaching, I'll have to make them up at the end of the semester and that does not sound fun!

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