Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Kade-man is 1!

      Today is Kaden's first birthday! His party was amazing. I think everyone had a really good time!
     I really cannot believe it's been a year since the day he was born. That day changed my life forever. Life is such a miracle. I love that little guy so much. Sometimes I feel like Rylee and Kaden are siblings that have four parents. I love spoiling him rotten and seeing his big smile.
      Kaden is still pretty sick with a nasty ear infection, but God blessed us by letting him have no fever and feel fine throughout his party. Only once his party ended did his temperature come back up. I praise the Lord that Kaden at least got to enjoy his first party, but I still HATE that he's sick on his birthday.
      His party was fun. So many people that love him showed up and celebrated the day of his birth. We started out by having some snacks. There was fruits and veggies, sausage balls, and chips and dip. It was all yummy!
      Then Kaden opened gifts. He like opening the first gift, but when he saw it he wanted to play with it and he didn't want to open anymore gifts. Also, all the kids at the party wanted to help open gifts so it got to be quite hectic. Rylee was excited to see that Kaden got a "pop-pop" for his birthday. She has one at Granny's house that she adores, so she took right to playing with the one he got.
    After presents came cake! Kaden seemed to enjoy it! Once everyone got done and went to play in the living room, he wanted down as well, so he didn't end up eating very much of his cake. But you could tell he really liked what he ate. After the party was over, the kids played with the toys a while longer before everyone left. It was a lot of fun. We released the balloons and then the kids played for a little while longer until Kaden's temp came back and he went to sleep. Overall, it was a wonderful day celebrating such a wonderful little guy! I'm glad he had such a great party; he deserves every bit of it! :)

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