Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas Eve

     Ryan and I have done Christmas as a family on Christmas Eve every year since we've been married. The year before we were married we celebrated it on the 23rd. It's our little tradition and it works out because we usually have several places to go on Christmas day.
           This year, thing have been kinda crazy. With all the holiday excitement and Ryan still trying to recover from bronchitis he caught from Rylee, we've been kinda worn out. Then, Thursday night while I was spending some time with Austin, Ryan texted me with horrible news. He was leaving work early because he got a stomach bug! Ick!! Those are the worst in my book! It started for him about 4 PM on Thursday and didn't end until after 7 PM yesterday. 27 hours of misery. Two cans of Lysol and a large bottle of germ-x later, Rylee and I appear to have managed not to catch it. Thank God!
     I've had the holiday blues a little with all this going on, so I really needed today to be a good day. Then we got even more bad news, Ryan's Granny caught a different stomach virus from his Aunt and we aren't going to able to go over there for Christmas breakfast tomorrow. We talked about just waiting to open presents until the morning since we had nowhere to go, but I needed a pick-me-up so we decided to go ahead and open gifts.
     It was amazing. Rylee was so excited. She opened gift after gift and when she finished hers she opened all ours, too. She just kept saying, "Happy! Happy!" over and over again. It really was something else. Her excitement quickly spread to us as we put her gifts together, and she started to play with them. She loved them! We couldn't have asked for a better reaction from her. We're excited to celebrate Christmas tomorrow with Liz, Brandon, and Kaden and then dinner with Ryan's parents and Mel, Josh, and Austin. It's going to be wonderful. :)

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