Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Friday, December 30, 2011

"Sick"mas and the Celebrations that Followed

      I must have jinxed myself with my Christmas Eve post because I woke up around 6 AM Christmas morning with a pain in my stomach. I knew what was coming but tried to convince myself it was just indigestion or something. By 7 AM, there was no denying it: I had the dreaded stomach virus! I was almost more upset that our Christmas plans were ruined than I was that I was sick! By some Christmas miracle, the virus was very easy on me. It was ROUGH while it lasted, but it only last until about 1 PM, then I fell asleep til around 4 and felt pretty much better, just sore, tired, and weak. I laid in bed for a while longer until about 6:30 PM to make sure I wasn't going to get sick anymore. Then, I was able to get up and shower and sanitize and go spend a little time with Rylee on Christmas day. I am so grateful for that! We decided to give Rylee 48 hours to make sure she didn't develop any symptoms before we made anymore plans.
     Since our Christmas day plans were all messed up, this has been a busy week. Tuesday night, we had Christmas with Liz, Brandon, and Kaden. We ate barbecue chicken and opened gifts and just enjoyed spending time together! Rylee and Kaden both had a lot of fun. They really just play so well together. It's adorable!
      Wednesday night, we celebrated Christmas with Nonna and Grandaddy. Mel and Josh took baby Austin home to Atlanta Tuesday morning, so we didn't get a chance to see them, but we still had a good time. We had a steak dinner and then opened gifts from them, Mel and Josh, and Aunt Andrea and Uncle Phil. Rylee got SPOILED! She got way too many presents, and she loves them all! Her big gift from Nonna and Grandaddy was a princess castle ball pit!!! They are amazing! :)
     Tonight, we celebrated Christmas at Granny and Pawpaw's. We really had a blast. Rylee was in such a silly mood, and she was showing out! It was adorable. I laughed more tonight than I have in a while. It was a really good time. We all got some really good stuff. And God answered some prayers for Ryan and I tonight through his grandparents, and I am really thankful for them. I cannot count how many times they have allowed God to use them to bless others. They are such wonderful people. I love them and all of Ryan's family so much. They are my family, too. :)
      This has been a different Christmas to say the least, but I truly know how blessed we are. This year has had its ups and downs, but through it all God has been right there, and my faith is stronger than ever. Tomorrow is New Year's Eve. I do not know what 2012 has in store for us, but I do know that God has a plan for us that is greater than we could ever imagine, and He is always faithful. I look forward to growing closer to him and teaching Rylee more and more about him. I see him in her every single day, and I don't see how any parent could ever doubt the power of God. Merry Christmas, everyone! Happy New Year! and God bless!

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