Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Have Faith

      I have been finished with school for 5 days. In 3 days, I will graduate from the University of Memphis with my Bachelors in Human Development and Learning (Early Childhood Education). My life is at a turning point. Friday will be Ryan's last day working for American Greetings due to a company layoff. He has just finished his degree program at the Tennessee Technology Center in Ripley. He has two more certification tests he needs to take before he can start applying for positions within his desired areas. Those tests are scheduled for May 18th and 23rd. He is at a turning point in his life. Our little family is headed for some changes, but I have a peace in my heart because I know that I serve a God who has a plan for our lives. I trust him and I know that even if I do not receive my reward for my faith within this life, I will find my eternal reward with him some day. he is also showing me how blessed I am just to have Ryan and Rylee. I love them both so much and they are so wonderful to me. Ryan is the most attentive, caring, compassionate, intelligent, hard-working, provider of a husband I have ever known. He is also an amazing father and an amazing uncle. I just adore him so much.
     Sunday, my sister made a very difficult decision to take some time apart from her husband of two years. She and her sweet little girl have been visiting us for the past few days. Rylee and Bailey have been having SO much fun together. I have enjoyed their visit, too. Their lives are definitely at a turning point, too. With all these changes occurring all around, it seems to me that life is an ever-changing adventure. It can be exciting and scary and difficult, but most of all it is unpredictable. You can't plan for everything, but you can face each challenge with a sense of hope or with a sense of dread: your choice.
      People try to find happiness but I'm not sure happiness can be found. It is a state of mind, a decision to be made. I think happiness has to do with making a decision to be content with what you have and enjoy each experience life throws your way. The main way to find happiness is to develop a trusting relationship with God. When life throws you curve balls, the only thing that can keep you strong is faith. Stress and worry are signs of doubt. I try to remember that and give all of my concerns to my Lord. It baffles me sometimes when I see Christians who are constantly stressed out or upset about everything that displeases them about their lives. Faith is not conditional. If you believe God is strong enough to save you from a life of sin and torment, you have to believe that God is big enough to take care of your worries and turn them around for good. That is just my take on things.
    On a final note of faith, my little Kade-man will be put under for surgery to place tubes in his ears tomorrow morning. I have faith that this procedure will improve his quality of health and life, and I have faith that God will be with him and his parents tomorrow as he undergoes this procedure. I love that little man so very much and I am thankful that he will be able to finally live his life free from nasty ear infections! :)

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