Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Monday, June 10, 2013

Family Time

    This week we spent a lot of time with family, and that made for a fun and eventful week! My parents spent the week camping at Chickasaw State Park. Where they live is nearly a 4 hour drive from us, but this state park is only a little over an hour from where we live, so we took advantage of their close proximity. 
     The kids loved Chickasaw! They got to play on a playground, hang out at a campsite, and go to a beach to swim and play. Grandma and Grandpa soaked up all the time they could with their sweet grandbabies, and the kids just loved every minute of it!
     We went to visit, just Ryan, Rylee, and I, on Thursday and it was nice for Rylee to get some one-on-one time with her grandparents, too. On Saturday, we had a birthday cookout for Mary and my dad, and then my parents headed back home early Sunday morning. It was great to get so much time with them this week, and we know we will be heading up to visit them in 3 weeks to attend their town's annual Fourth of July festival. The kids will spend the day bouncing in bouncing houses, sliding down water slides, and playing outdoors. That night their will be a fireworks show over a lake. I know we will all have a blast!
     Yesterday was a great day, too. After church we headed over to Nonna and Granddaddy's house and we finally got to get into the big pool! Rylee was a little fish and swam and swam until we had to force her to get out to eat lunch. We had a nice family lunch together. Then we just spent the day enjoying each other's company. Rylee is very blessed to have 2 fantastic sets of grandparents who love her dearly! :)
     Today is Mary's birthday, so we are going out to dinner to celebrate! Happy Birthday, Mar-Mar! You're getting old! Haha!

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