Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Friday, June 7, 2013

24 Week Dr. Update

     Today we headed to the Dr. to check on Miss Payton. She is doing well. She was active for the appointment, so it took us a minute to get her heart rate, but when we did, it was 150 beats per minute. Everything seems to be going great. I have gained 6 more lbs since my last appointment, putting me at a total of +9 lbs for this pregnancy. Not too bad. Ryan has been working a lot lately, but he had already taken today off because we were visiting with my parents yesterday and he wouldn't have had a chance to sleep (he works third shift), so we took advantage of my appointment today to go on a lunch date and do a little shopping. I love spending time with him!
    Rylee has been getting more and more excited about her baby sister. She plays with her dolls nonstop and they are all now named "Payton Joy Massengill." Everyday she asks, "Is baby sister coming out of your belly today?" It makes me happy that she is looking forward to her sister's arrival. I know it will be a major adjustment for our family at first, but I really think they are going to get along just fine! :)

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